Thursday, 5 July 2007

Moving up.

Today, due to waking up late, and packing/preparations for Paris tomorrow, I only played 1.7k hands, mostly at $100NL. I decided i'd take a shot, with a short bankroll, and move down if it went badly. Naturally i immediately dropped 3 buy-ins. I think these were largely unavoidable, but it was still annoying (AJ vs KQ on an AJT flop, and 22 vs T8 on a 92x!). Anyway, i persevered, and actually finished the day quite well up.

I need to be tighter when calling rereraises on the river, as this has probably cost me close to a buy in today. An example was where someone bet $10 on the river, I had KT on a 99QJx board and minraised to $20. He then made it $20, i knew i was beat but couldn't quite find the fold button. Of course i was shown QQ for a boat. And these small mistakes quickly add up...

Anyway, Poker tracker screenshot: Graph:
Cash Games: +$467.85
Donk n Gos: -$2
Bankroll: $1541.54

Next week will be a lot more $100NL! I'm happy to grind away at this limit until i have $3-$4k+ now. I was amazed to see that in this short time i've already paid $366 in rake. You don't necessarily notice it at the time, but it sure does add up!

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