A couple of days ago i played a friend of mine heads up on full tilt for a bit. On paper he has a slight edge on me, as he has crushed MSNL on various sites the last few months, but during the game, i don't think i could say who had an edge. Misplayed a couple of hands against him, but came away +$50 which was good. In fact, it's mostly his influence that i am now operating really smart bankroll management, as i think that is the main thing that separates us (I used to randomly spew too, but seem to have stopped that), and thought it was unfair he was making all this money that i could easily be making too :).
But then i lost all that profit at various heads up razz tables on full tilt! Hmph. I made a bunch of money at $2/$4 and $3/$6, then saw some guy who i'm sure i have an edge against playing $5/$10, so i sat. He ran so good it was unreal. One of the biggest pots he won off me saw him 3-bet 5th street with 489 up when i had [6][2]A4A (the cards in [] were my down cards). Even if he has A2, my draw to a 6 is a favourite over his made 9/8 draw, and this best case scenario is unlikely as i have 2 aces and a deuce. So i capped. All the money went in and he showed J8 in the hole (so he had a pair of 8s and a DRAW to a jack low). I don't know if he saw my board had paired and thought "zOMG, raise raise raise!" or what. But i was >80% to win that pot. Obviously i hit QQ and he makes his jack low and gets a big pot shipped his way. We played about 4 big pots that went down like that. Considering how "easy" Razz is, there sure are a lot of players who make a lot of mistakes playing it.
NL cash has been going well, as you can see on the graph later.
Been trying some of the APPT step tournys on stars. I'm like -$60 or something in the step ones now, with no entries to step 2. Running bad and cold in them. A2 vs 22 on A2K flop for eg.
My current bankroll:
FTP: $842.25
Party: $784.74
Stars: $429.42
RB due: $39.03
Total: $2095.44
(I'm over $2k again, weeeeeeeeeeee)
This bankroll nit thing is going well, i'm still playing $50nl and now have 42 buy ins :). Will move up when i have at least $1k on each site.
Below is my graph since starting updating this blog again. This graph is a little misleading as it includes $50 from chip dumping and doesn't include the $50 i lost at Razz a couple of nights ago.

I don't think i'll get much done over the weekend, as i have a sizeable assignment in for tueday that i don't have a clue about yet! :S
Bonus hands:
lol, i run good.
expert call by villain
used mad reads/history to know that villain was weak, but on this flop would prob call a c-bet. So i check, looking for pot control/free card with the backup plan being to c-r the **** out of him! I think this villain has pretty much exactly {22-44, 66-88} here, so it's nearly impossible for them to call the cr, and if they do i have a bunch of outs. Obv i just got pwned by deuces instead.
Til next time.
1 comment:
Lol, yr not a bankroll nit, i will move up to NL400 when i have 50 buy-ins for it, now that is a bankroll nit (right out the Kader school of br management)! Yr bankroll requirements are good tho, $3k to move up to NL100 should be plenty considering u r still at uni and don't have to worry about an income, keep up the good work!
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