Fairly uneventful day, and just one of those typical days when nothing quite goes right. Set over set as below (where he hit his two outer on the river), and just things like having my c-bets called in 3-bet pots where i couldn't continue, never hitting a flop, etc etc etc. Oh well, i still only lost just over a buy in today, and i knew i was due one :). There was an annoying hand where i check called flop and turn with top pair, and hit running cards to get a flush. I bet out on the river as i didn't want him to check behind with a lot of hands that would call a bet. He just called and lost with the nut straight. If i'd checked, he'd have certainly bet, i could've gone all in and he would've certainly called as my hand was so disguised. Oh well. I have also deposited some money on full tilt, this will not contribute to my challenge, but i may post updates from there, as i am attempting a similar spin up from a mere $400 deposit.
Graph (note the downswing from today!):

Big Hands:
Set over set. I put him on kings, but no chance of getting away from this.How to win with a setTodays stats:
$100NL 490 hands -$119.20 -12.16ptbb/100
Overall stats:
$50NL 1,600 hands +$405.75 25.36ptbb/100
$100NL 1,895 hands +$503.33 13.28ptbb/100
Challenge stats:
Hands Played: 3,495 / 50,000 = 6.99% complete
Bankroll: $1,309.10 / $15,000 = 8.73%
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