Cash games this week:
Stars: +$778.55
FTP: +$24.50
Party: +$31.05
Cake: -$6.06
MTTs: +$102
Weekly Total: +$930.04
Entered a $24+$2 90 person SnG w/ bounties on full tilt, and took 5th and 3 bounties for $160 total. Not bad, but i'm not satisfied unless I win!
At least stars loves me obv.
Stars graph this week:
Doesn't look as good as last weeks, but oh well.
Poker soc this week I was pretty much the first person out. In the first level a kinda donkish player who clearly took himself/the game seriously (shades etc) raised UTG to 200. We had 5k stacks and I felt confident that nobody behind me was going to raise, and prob not even call, so I felt comfortable calling in position with KcJc. Flop came Qc9cXx and he checks. I think about taking a card off, but decide I should try and win this pot now if I can. So i bet 350, and he makes it 700. Hmmm. He really didn't look comfortable/happy with his hand, and there's nearly 1.5k in the pot, so I instashove the rest in with my big draw. He thinks for ages and then finds a call with QTo. Sigh. Off to the races and I don't flip good this time. Out about 3 hands later when I 3bet shove AJ into AQ.
So I decide to sit in the 5p/10p cash game. I buy in for £20. The starting line up included 3 asian guys who clearly loved to burn money. It was unbelievable! A couple of times they open shoved for £20 in a 5p/10p game! I had a massive hand against them, I limped Ah2h, asian guy to my left limped, asian guy on button makes it 50p, SB asian called, me and asian guy on my left both call. Flop Ac2cJs. SB checked, I checked, Asian guy on my left bets £2, asian on button makes it £4, and then SB shoved for £18 total! WTF?! I thought for a while, and i was pretty sure SB had clubs, guy on my left was bluffing (as per usual), and button had a big ace. As i couldn't put him exactly on AJ, I called. Guy on my left folded (he was bluffing) and button called. SB has clubs and button had AK. Somehow I hold up (and river a 2 for FH) and win a ~£50 pot.
Highlight while these guys were playing though, The guy on my left bet on the turn, and the guy who was small blind in that hand earlier shoved. The board was something like 8J6A with 2 spades. The guy on my left SNAP called for ~£15 and said "what's your high card? I have a ten?" WHAT? He had T7 for a gutshot. Other guy had Qs4s, and Queen high held up. Then the classic line "I KNEW you had nothing."
Eventually they left after dumping close to £100 to the table all told and the game settled down a bit. Couple of interesting hands I can remember. Jack straddled UTG to 20p, I double straddled to 40p. Folds to SB who makes it 80p total. BB and UTG fold, and I have 86o. Easy call getting 46258 to 1. Flop Q75r. He goes to his chip stack and then (somewhat nervously) checks. I want to take a stab here, but it doesn't seem right, so I check. Turn a 4 completing the rainbow and giving me the nuts. Sweet. He checks again and I bet £1. He calls. River an Ace and now he comes out betting £2.50. I hollywood for about 20 seconds like a right knob (to encourage a call from AJ/AT type hand, which could find a fold if he thinks i'm strong), then shove and get snap called. Like an ass I turn over my hand and exclaim "NUTS!", while villain sheepishly throws AQ into the muck. Clearly I may well have been facing a check raise on the flop if i'd bet, so that made me happy.
Biggest hand I lost, there were a couple of limpers, Jack raised to 50p in CO, I decide he's weak, and abuse my button by 3-betting to £1.75 with 96o. Both blinds call, limpers fold, Jack calls. Flop T96r. Checks to me and I fire £5. Blinds fold, Jack calls. Turn is a 5, putting a second heart (or diamond :S) out there. Jack checks. I decide he isn't that strong, and check behind, hoping to snap off a bet from 1 pair/worse 2 pair hands on the river. I think he puts me on AQ/AK type hand too, so with a check I can continue to represent that type of hand. The river however is a disgusting 8. It goes check check, he lets out a grown and shows 97 for a rivered straight. That'll teach me for 3-betting crap on the button. Don't know why he thought I'd bet there with a worse hand though.
Once the game had settled down, the players seemed to generally be split into two groups. Those playing a strange mixture of loose passive and loose aggressive (The same player checked behind the river with broadway, basically the nuts, yet fired every street with 8 high), or weak tag, or what i affectionately refer to as "nits." There was perhaps one (or two) persons who seemed to have "fundamentals" to their game (both nits) but they didn't mix it up enough to be any danger, and i generally just stayed out their way.
For the most part, once the game calmed down, I played a looser more passive preflop game than I might normally, as there wasn't much raising/reraising preflop, and we pretty much all had deep(ish) stacks (cheers for the money asian guys), so I think this was a better way to play than a strict TAG style. Surprisingly had very few really big pots once the asians had left, considering most flops were about 4 way.
In general it was a ridiculously enjoyable game, and everyone seemed to be having fun. Even when Phil tried to ruin the ambience by throwing a completely random "your mum" comment at me.
I finished the evening £60 to the good from the cash game. And got a pretty balla £50 note for my troubles. Oooh yeah. Same again next week please.
Stars: +$778.55
FTP: +$24.50
Party: +$31.05
Cake: -$6.06
MTTs: +$102
Weekly Total: +$930.04
Entered a $24+$2 90 person SnG w/ bounties on full tilt, and took 5th and 3 bounties for $160 total. Not bad, but i'm not satisfied unless I win!
At least stars loves me obv.
Stars graph this week:

Poker soc this week I was pretty much the first person out. In the first level a kinda donkish player who clearly took himself/the game seriously (shades etc) raised UTG to 200. We had 5k stacks and I felt confident that nobody behind me was going to raise, and prob not even call, so I felt comfortable calling in position with KcJc. Flop came Qc9cXx and he checks. I think about taking a card off, but decide I should try and win this pot now if I can. So i bet 350, and he makes it 700. Hmmm. He really didn't look comfortable/happy with his hand, and there's nearly 1.5k in the pot, so I instashove the rest in with my big draw. He thinks for ages and then finds a call with QTo. Sigh. Off to the races and I don't flip good this time. Out about 3 hands later when I 3bet shove AJ into AQ.
So I decide to sit in the 5p/10p cash game. I buy in for £20. The starting line up included 3 asian guys who clearly loved to burn money. It was unbelievable! A couple of times they open shoved for £20 in a 5p/10p game! I had a massive hand against them, I limped Ah2h, asian guy to my left limped, asian guy on button makes it 50p, SB asian called, me and asian guy on my left both call. Flop Ac2cJs. SB checked, I checked, Asian guy on my left bets £2, asian on button makes it £4, and then SB shoved for £18 total! WTF?! I thought for a while, and i was pretty sure SB had clubs, guy on my left was bluffing (as per usual), and button had a big ace. As i couldn't put him exactly on AJ, I called. Guy on my left folded (he was bluffing) and button called. SB has clubs and button had AK. Somehow I hold up (and river a 2 for FH) and win a ~£50 pot.
Highlight while these guys were playing though, The guy on my left bet on the turn, and the guy who was small blind in that hand earlier shoved. The board was something like 8J6A with 2 spades. The guy on my left SNAP called for ~£15 and said "what's your high card? I have a ten?" WHAT? He had T7 for a gutshot. Other guy had Qs4s, and Queen high held up. Then the classic line "I KNEW you had nothing."
Eventually they left after dumping close to £100 to the table all told and the game settled down a bit. Couple of interesting hands I can remember. Jack straddled UTG to 20p, I double straddled to 40p. Folds to SB who makes it 80p total. BB and UTG fold, and I have 86o. Easy call getting 46258 to 1. Flop Q75r. He goes to his chip stack and then (somewhat nervously) checks. I want to take a stab here, but it doesn't seem right, so I check. Turn a 4 completing the rainbow and giving me the nuts. Sweet. He checks again and I bet £1. He calls. River an Ace and now he comes out betting £2.50. I hollywood for about 20 seconds like a right knob (to encourage a call from AJ/AT type hand, which could find a fold if he thinks i'm strong), then shove and get snap called. Like an ass I turn over my hand and exclaim "NUTS!", while villain sheepishly throws AQ into the muck. Clearly I may well have been facing a check raise on the flop if i'd bet, so that made me happy.
Biggest hand I lost, there were a couple of limpers, Jack raised to 50p in CO, I decide he's weak, and abuse my button by 3-betting to £1.75 with 96o. Both blinds call, limpers fold, Jack calls. Flop T96r. Checks to me and I fire £5. Blinds fold, Jack calls. Turn is a 5, putting a second heart (or diamond :S) out there. Jack checks. I decide he isn't that strong, and check behind, hoping to snap off a bet from 1 pair/worse 2 pair hands on the river. I think he puts me on AQ/AK type hand too, so with a check I can continue to represent that type of hand. The river however is a disgusting 8. It goes check check, he lets out a grown and shows 97 for a rivered straight. That'll teach me for 3-betting crap on the button. Don't know why he thought I'd bet there with a worse hand though.
Once the game had settled down, the players seemed to generally be split into two groups. Those playing a strange mixture of loose passive and loose aggressive (The same player checked behind the river with broadway, basically the nuts, yet fired every street with 8 high), or weak tag, or what i affectionately refer to as "nits." There was perhaps one (or two) persons who seemed to have "fundamentals" to their game (both nits) but they didn't mix it up enough to be any danger, and i generally just stayed out their way.
For the most part, once the game calmed down, I played a looser more passive preflop game than I might normally, as there wasn't much raising/reraising preflop, and we pretty much all had deep(ish) stacks (cheers for the money asian guys), so I think this was a better way to play than a strict TAG style. Surprisingly had very few really big pots once the asians had left, considering most flops were about 4 way.
In general it was a ridiculously enjoyable game, and everyone seemed to be having fun. Even when Phil tried to ruin the ambience by throwing a completely random "your mum" comment at me.
I finished the evening £60 to the good from the cash game. And got a pretty balla £50 note for my troubles. Oooh yeah. Same again next week please.
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